Therapy with Nancy

Therapy is a very personal thing – each person is different with a unique set of experiences, interests and values. This is as true for therapists as it is for people who come for therapy. For this reason, therapy with me is likely to look and feel different to how it was with other therapists you may have had in the past, or what it looks like on TV or in films. Likewise, therapy with you is likely to look and feel different for me compared to how it is with other of my clients.

I see therapy as a walk in the woods. The woods is your inner landscape, your internal world and your sessions with me are a chance for you to show me around, introduce me to what you know, take me down the paths you are most acquainted with, point out familiar landmarks.
Some of the terrain is already mapped with paths laid out and trodden in, some of it is thick with undergrowth and as yet uncharted.

As I learn more about your private wooded world, I might start to notice things – paths that lead back to the same place, paths that connect to one another, landmarks that are significant but as yet unnoticed, great swathes of land you seem reluctant to venture into, areas that are completely passed by unseen. I might start to point out some of these things, invite you to step off the well-worn paths and into the undergrowth to see what we might find. I might wonder what creepy crawlies lie beneath a particular stone or in the cleft of that tree we keep circling.
At your pace, gently and with curiosity, we will explore your inner terrain together, mapping more and more of it, creating new paths, getting comfortable with the paths that felt daunting, getting to know what’s there – intimately, making new connections and new discoveries. Maybe we’ll find a path that takes us deeper into the woods, maybe we’ll find a path out. Either way, we will emerge with a more complete understanding of the landscape that you can refer whenever you feel lost in the future.

"It is astonishing how elements that seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens, how confusions that seem irremediable turn into relatively clear flowing streams when one is heard."
Carl Rogers, 1980